Technical SEO Services

Website Optimization:
Built for Growth

Technical SEO lays the groundwork for any digital marketing success

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Technical SEO Services

Proper execution is the only way to ensure continued performance.

Search engines give high importance to websites that offer a good user experience. That is why it is important for you to have a solid digital foundation. Search Engine Optimization, or SEO, is a strategic and tactical marketing practice that increases traffic to a website. A strong technical foundation is vital to the success of any SEO strategy.

Your site is your business’s blueprint—the structure that defines and guides its growth. Our team will help you create a solid technical foundation of SEO so your website can grow as your business does.

Creative Marketing Nerds knows that technical SEO is just as important as content and link building. By offering affordable and high-quality SEO services, we are able to get you more exposure while keeping your costs under control.

technical seo audit

Technical Site Audits

In-depth analysis of your website’s technical profile.

We look beyond the surface by conducting a deep technical analysis of your website. A fully dedicated team of experts from Creative Marketing Nerds will ensure that your business attracts more traffic, generate more leads & sales, and builds sustainable online success! Our detailed technical SEO audits cover multiple key points including:

    • Crawl Analysis
    • Robots.txt
    • Mobile Performance
    • Crawl Errors
    • Duplicate Content
    • Image Optimization
    • Internal Link Structure
    • Indexation
    • Site Architecture
    • Accessibility
    • Page Speed
    • Redirects
    • XML Sitemap
    • Analytics
google penalty recovery

Penalty Recovery

Were you penalized?

When you have a website that doesn’t rank, you need a team that can deeply diagnose the issue and discovers the best way to fix it. Our SEO strategy is built around a data-driven approach, identifying problems and determining what your site needs to get off the bottom of those search rankings. We’ve helped numerous websites recover lost traffic.

  • Recover Lost Traffic
  • Regain Rankings
  • Preserve Your Reputation
website migration

Website Migration

Meticulously executed website migrations.

From website domains to HTTPS migration, our professional SEO engineers are here to help your business succeed. We will make the process of migrating to a new platform fast and easy. With our expertise, you will be able to make a smooth transition and maintain your online reputation. Contact us to learn more! Migrating sites properly is key to maintaining performance. Let our team of dedicated and experienced SEO specialists help you with your site migration. Why choose our team to work on your migration?

  • SEO Advantages
  • Grow Domain Authority
  • Search Performance
  • Grow Mobile Audience
  • Increased Engagement
  • Secure Browsing (HTTPS)
website speed optimization

Speed Optimization

Don’t wait… for... a… slow…. loading… website.

Speed matters A fast response time is critical to the user experience, a speed tune-up can optimize your search performance in a matter of minutes. Google rewards websites that load fast with higher search rankings.

Put us to the test. Let us help you get your site rolling by starting with a speed test.

We'll report back on our findings and recommend actions that will improve your performance.

  • Website Speed is a Confirmed Ranking Factor
  • Improve Time to First Byte (TTFB)
  • Decrease Bounce Rates
schema data seo cmnerds

Structured Data Markup

Make your website more attractive to search engines.

Your site can be optimized for search engines by using structured data vocabularies ( to tell search engines about the data provided on your page.

Our technical SEO work can improve search results. Adding structured data markup code (JSON-LD) to your website will improve search engine visibility and increase your click-through rates.

  • SEO Advantages
  • Help Google Understand Your Site
  • SERP features
seo competitor analysis

Competitor Analysis

Uncover your competitive advantage.

Using a host of SEO tools, we dig deep into your competitors’ web presence. Armed with an arsenal of information, we design an SEO strategy to outrank your competition.

Our marketing research provides you with an accurate snapshot of how your brand compares to the competition to include:

  • Rankings
  • Backlink Profile
  • Keywords
  • Technical Profile
  • SEO & PPC Strategies
  • Social Media Campaigns

SEO Client Spotlight

A1Cleaning Logo Final

A1+ Cleaning hired us to help them reclaim their first page rankings which were lost when they changed their business name and launched a new website under a different domain. Shortly after we launched their Technical SEO audit we realized they had been penalized by Google after their previous website was hacked and malicious code was injected into the headers. They were nowhere to be found in the search results, even if you searched for their business name directly.

Once the Technical SEO was completed we focused on Local SEO and after Google removed their penalty we were able to get them first page ranking for "commercial cleaning" and "janitorial services" in Odessa.

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