Logo Design Questionnaire Describe what your organization or product does and its target audience: How do you prefer your logo to be worded or written out? Do you have a slogan or tagline? Would you like to include it with your logo? If so, please enter it below. Common Color Associations: Red: Passion, Anger, Vigor, Love, Danger Yellow: Knowledge, Energy, Joy, Intellect, Youth Green: Fertility, Wealth, Healing, Success, Growth White: Purity, Healing, Perfection, Clean, Virtue Blue: Knowledge, Trust, Tranquility, Calm, Peace, Cool Black: Fear, Secrecy, Formal, Luxury Purple: Royalty, Wisdom, Spirituality, Imagination Orange: Creativity, Invigoration, Unique, Stimulation Gray: Balance, Sophistication, Neutrality, Uncommitted Do you have any color preferences, or existing brand colors you would like to see in the new logo? Are there any colors you would like us to avoid? What adjectives describe your logo? Do you have a preference on how the typography will appear? Do you have specific imagery in mind for your logo? If so, please describe it below. Do you have any images, sketches or documents that might be helpful? If so, please upload. Acceptable file types: JPG, PNG, PDF - no larger than 4MB Where will your logo be used?Print (Business cards, letterheads, brochures, etc.)Online (Website, online advertising, banner ads, etc.)Merchandise (Mugs, T-shirts, etc.)Signs (Including shops, billboards, etc.)Other Choose up to 3 logo types you would like explored: View ExamplesSymbol or Icon (Brand Mark)TypographicLettermarkEmblemCombination Mark Is there anything else you want to tell us? Your Name (required) Business Name Your Email (required) Your Phone Number Δ